Class Grading Basis determines in which grading mode (letter or CR/NC) will the class be graded. By default, the grading basis of a class is inherited from the Course Catalog, but it can be changed on the Adjust Class Associations page (here is how to do it). Below is a short list of Grading Basis that should be used:
Credit / No Credit | CNC | Cr/No Cr | Mandatory Credit/No Credit course (all careers) | For courses that are graded Credit/No Credit ONLY | UGRD, PBAC, EXED |
Letter Grade | LTR | Ltr Grades | Letter Grades course (all careers) | For courses that are graded by a letter grade (e.g. A, A‐. B+, B, B‐, C+...) ONLY | UGRD, PBAC, EXED |
Optional Credit / No Credit PBAC | OPP | Opt PB | Optional Grade Basis course (Postbac) | For GRADUATE courses in which the student can opt to be graded by a letter grade or credit/no credit | PBAC |
Optional Credit / No Credit UGRD | OPU | Opt UG | Optional Grade Basis course (Undergrad) | For UNDERGRADUATE courses in which the student can opt to be graded by a letter grade or credit/no credit | UGRD |